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LED lighting penetrates more Middle East commercial properties
LuxLive Middle East will explore the latest in LED lighting technology and solid-state lighting (SSL) applications in the rapidly-growing region that Strategies Unlimited projects to experience a 13% ramp in LED luminaire deployments through 2022.
Custom vs. commodity: Factors for thought about LED light engines (MAGAZINE)
Depending on fixture design, MADE freelance writer Ed Sullivan asserts that off-the-shelf LED light engines for SSL product developments may be inefficient and create a production bottleneck.
Driverless AC-LED light engines deliver improved flicker performance (MAGAZINE)
Driverless AC-LED light engines are a convenient, economical replacement for the traditional driver plus LED configuration, and Peter Shackle explores a new topology that delivers significantly better flicker performance.
IES TM-26 prescribes LED failure rate projection (MAGAZINE)
Jianzhong Jiao describes how new methods for projecting catastrophic LED failures can lead to SSL product manufacturers' ability to accurately set warranties, and for users to have informed expectations about product reliability and life.
GE's Sylvester says that we have arrived at a moment in energy change
Maryrose Sylvester, the fast-rising GE executive who is now president and CEO of Current, Powered by GE, has posted an interesting essay on LinkedIn. Sylvester says that society has arrived at a significant moment in terms of energy generation, usage, and management.
Daintree continues to expand the ecosystem around its SSL control platform
LG Innotek has added to its portfolio of ZigBee-enabled products based on Daintree technology and Samsung had announced compatibility with the Daintree platform after announcing a Smart Lighting Module at L+B.
Packaged LED architectures advance across types and applications
Today, packaged LED manufacturers offer products specific to most every application you can imagine, and you can choose from high-power, COB, mid-power, CSP, and other options. We have advancements in white and color components, and for that matter in UV and IR...
Bluetooth Mesh – What's that noise about? (MAGAZINE)
Coming Bluetooth extensions will make the wireless technology a better fit for smart lighting, explains Marek Wierzbicki, while mesh extensions will retain the low power, ease of use, and reliability of the proven radio technology.
LG ramps up OLED for general lighting, will churn out more and larger panels
While others retreat from a tough market, LG is pushing ahead, touting OLED technology's design, health, and light quality advantages.
Packaged LEDs during L+B week: Samsung, LG Innotek, Lumileds, Cree, and Plessey
Advances in chip-scale packaging technology go hand in hand with efficacy gains as leading packaged LED vendors issue announcements around Light+Building.