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Color LEDs add dynamic impact in far-ranging applications (MAGAZINE)

Both monochromatic and phosphor-converted color LEDs are tracking near white LED performance, observes Maury Wright, and color adds impact to applications spanning façade lighting to automotive safety. The original version of this article can be found...

Chart the course of energy-efficient SSL through lighting regulations (MAGAZINE)

Government and industry bodies are continuously publishing new regulatory codes and industry standards that are guiding the development of SSL products and the art of lighting design and specification, writes Ethan Biery. The original version of this article can be...

IES publishes lighting specification for sports fields and venues

IES RP-6-15 covers recommended lighting practices for recreational to professional sports fields and venues with specific guidelines for individual sports. The original version of this article can be found...

Market programs and regulations hold back HCL in the US (MAGAZINE)

Stan Walerczyk, principal of Lighting Wizards, describes the challenges of implementing human-centric lighting in the US but also sees opportunity to positively impact our wellbeing. The original version of this article can be found...