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LightingEurope calls for light quality and human wellbeing legislation to promote human-centric lighting

It’s time for legislators to consider aspects of LED lighting other than energy efficiency, the industry association says in a position paper that reaffirms its push towards human-centric lighting. The original version of this article can be found...

LED tape brings sparkle to neo-classical Oxford Radcliffe Camera

Penn Elcom supplies 250m of Osram LED tape to retrofit the Radcliffe Camera building that serves as a reading room on the Oxford University campus in England. The original version of this article can be found...

Light+Building takes a smart route to connected lighting and services (MAGAZINE)

L+B 2016 featured more intelligent, connected lighting than ever, as Mark Halper reports, as well as examples of lighting companies branching out into services beyond illumination. Next, the lighting industry needs some end users to really prove the point. The...

Color tuning makes LED lighting more like an old friend (MAGAZINE)

Brent Protzman explains the different approaches to color tuning in SSL luminaire design and why LED-based color tuning can help deliver familiar, comfortable light. The original version of this article can be found...

NGL SSL Competition 2016 (MAGAZINE)

As Carrie Meadows reports, the Next-Generation Luminaires Solid-State Lighting Design competition continues to follow trending technologies and applications; thus this year the judges were also tasked with evaluating two new product categories – connected...

Retail abandons CMH lamps in favor of flexible solid-state lighting (MAGAZINE)

Tom Jory and James Zhai describe how LED-based lighting with spectral enhancement can replace legacy sources in demanding applications such as retail and hospitality. The original version of this article can be found...