by Commercial LED Lighting | Apr 20, 2016 | Drivers Electronics, Indoor Networks & Controls, Industrial & Life Sciences, Industry News, LEDs Applications, Microcontrollers, Networks & Controls, Retail & Hospitality, Services & Testing
At next week’s Hannover Fair, Germany’s Fraunhofer will demonstrate a factory floor robot sending information via lightwaves in a Li-Fi system. The original version of this article can be found...
by Commercial LED Lighting | Apr 19, 2016 | Drivers Electronics, Indoor Lighting, Indoor Networks & Controls, Industry News, LEDs Applications, Microcontrollers, Networks & Controls
Leading into LightFair International, there has been a flurry of activity in the network and control area for LED-based lighting led by Lutron’s introduction of the new Vive platform, and new partnerships among a number of industry stalwarts. The original...
by Commercial LED Lighting | Apr 15, 2016 | Adaptive controls, Business and Industry, Controls and Power, Drivers Electronics, IIF, Indoor Lighting, Industry News, LED, LEDs Applications, Light Sources, Microcontrollers, Networks, Networks & Controls, Tunable lighting
Open APIs allow home users to tailor LED lights to respond to any cue. The APIs come with instructions to maximize the capabilities of the smart bulbs. The original version of this article can be found...
by Commercial LED Lighting | Apr 11, 2016 | Building & Home Automation, Business and Industry, Controls and Power, Drivers Electronics, IIF, Indoor Lighting, Indoor Networks & Controls, Industry News, LEDs Applications, Microcontrollers, Networks, Networks & Controls, Services & Testing, SSL Design
The headquarters of Cisco integrator Smartworld is the latest “Digital Ceiling” proof-of-concept site that incorporates PoE technology. The original version of this article can be found...
by Commercial LED Lighting | Apr 6, 2016 | Indoor Networks & Controls, Industry News, Modular light engines, Networks & Controls
EnOcean’s wireless wall switches will turn on Molex Power-over-Ethernet LED luminaires in smart lighting applications ensuring that legacy controls don’t have to give way completely to computers, gadgets and software. The original version of this article...
by Commercial LED Lighting | Mar 30, 2016 | Driver ICs, Drivers Electronics, Indoor Networks & Controls, Industry News, LEDs Applications, Microcontrollers, Modular Drivers, Networks & Controls, SSL Design
LG Innotek has added to its portfolio of ZigBee-enabled products based on Daintree technology and Samsung had announced compatibility with the Daintree platform after announcing a Smart Lighting Module at L+B. The original version of this article can be found...