by Commercial LED Lighting | Jul 6, 2016 | Business and Industry, Controls and Power, Drivers Electronics, IIF, Indoor Lighting, Indoor Networks & Controls, Industry News, LED, LEDs Applications, Light Sources, Networks, Networks & Controls, Research & Development, Services & Testing
Former Bosch executive has moved into the freshly minted Osram post. Meanwhile, CEO Berlien doubles as the chief financial officer for now. The original version of this article can be found...
by Commercial LED Lighting | Jun 30, 2016 | Business and Industry, Ceiling troffers, Commercial and office, Controls and Power, Drivers Electronics, IIF, Indoor Lighting, Indoor Networks & Controls, Industry News, LED, LEDs Applications, Light Sources, Lighting Projects, Networks, Networks & Controls, Retail & Hospitality, Services & Testing
There’s so much PoE illumination at this data center that one vendor wasn’t enough. The original version of this article can be found...
by Commercial LED Lighting | Jun 27, 2016 | Accent fixtures, Business and Industry, Commercial and office, IIF, Indoor Lighting, Industry News, LED, LEDs Applications, Light Sources, Lighting Projects, Linear lighting, Materials, Retail & Hospitality, Retail and museum, SSL Design, Thermal
Penn Elcom supplies 250m of Osram LED tape to retrofit the Radcliffe Camera building that serves as a reading room on the Oxford University campus in England. The original version of this article can be found...
by Commercial LED Lighting | Jun 22, 2016 | Business and Industry, Controls and Power, Drivers Electronics, IIF, Indoor Networks & Controls, Industry News, LED, LEDs Applications, Light Sources, Microcontrollers, Networks, Networks & Controls, Outdoor Lighting, Services & Testing, Street
The LED street light system in County Mayo also ties into smart utility meters as part of a broader IoT energy play. The original version of this article can be found...
by Commercial LED Lighting | Jun 9, 2016 | Business and Industry, Controls and Power, Drivers and power, Drivers Electronics, Features, IIF, Indoor Networks & Controls, LED, LEDs Applications, Light Sources, Microcontrollers, Networks, Networks & Controls, Outdoor Lighting, Services & Testing, Smart Cities, SSL Design, Street
Having just attended LightFair International (LFI), the key trends in LED-based lighting remain just as we have reported earlier this year starting with our Strategies in Light (SIL) wrap-up ( The original version of this article can be found...
by Commercial LED Lighting | Jun 9, 2016 | Awards and Events, Backlighting Signs & Displays, Business and Industry, Color Tuning, Controls and Power, Downlights, Drivers Electronics, Features, IIF, Indoor Lighting, Indoor Networks & Controls, LED, LEDs Applications, Light Sources, Modular light engines, Networks & Controls, Outdoor Lighting, Retail & Hospitality, SSL Design, Tunable lighting, White-Point Tuning
As Carrie Meadows reports, the Next-Generation Luminaires Solid-State Lighting Design competition continues to follow trending technologies and applications; thus this year the judges were also tasked with evaluating two new product categories – connected...