by Commercial LED Lighting | Jun 5, 2014 | Accent fixtures, Area and Security, Awards and Events, Business and Industry, Ceiling troffers, Commercial and office, Controls and Power, Downlights, Drivers Electronics, Features, High-bay, High-mast, Hospitality, IIF, Indoor Lighting, Indoor Networks & Controls, Industrial, Industry News, Interconnect, Landscape, LED, LED Design & Manufacturing, LEDs Applications, LEDs Sources, Light Sources, Lighting Projects, Linear lighting, Manufacturing Equipment, Materials, Modular light engines, Networks, Networks & Controls, OLEDs, Optics, Outdoor Lighting, Packaged LEDS, Parking, Planar lighting, R&D, Residential, Retail & Hospitality, Retail and museum, Retrofit lamps, Smart Cities, SSL Design, Street, Substrates & Wafers, Thermal, Track lighting, Tunable lighting, Utility and municipal, White-Point Tuning
The massive Light+Building fair revealed a seemingly unlimited variation in lighting product designs, but Maury Wright reports that the common themes that ran through the exhibits centered on efficient SSL sources, more innovative lighting including tunable features,...
by Commercial LED Lighting | May 20, 2014 | Automotive & Vehicles, Industrial & Life Sciences, Industry News, Interconnect, LED Design & Manufacturing, LEDs Applications, LEDs Sources, Light Engines, Materials, Networks & Controls, OLEDs, Optics, Packaged LEDS, R&D, Research & Development, SSL Design, Thermal
The US Department of Energy has made four new funding awards within the Small Business Innovation Research for SSL-centric research, while the agency also updated the Multi-Year Program Plan, and issued a fact sheet on LED lighting and health. The original version of...
by Commercial LED Lighting | Mar 11, 2014 | Agriculture & Aquaculture, Backlighting Signs & Displays, Features, Indoor Lighting, Industrial & Life Sciences, LEDs Applications, Manufacturing Equipment, OLEDs, Optics, Outdoor Lighting, Retail & Hospitality, Smart Cities, Substrates & Wafers
The year 2013 witnessed an expansion of LED usage in UV curing applications with higher-power emitters enabling faster cure times across a variety of life science and industrial applications, writes Bill Cortelyou, and component lifetimes have increased as well. The...
by Commercial LED Lighting | Feb 18, 2014 | Industry News, LED Design & Manufacturing, LEDs Applications, LEDs Sources, Manufacturing Equipment, OLEDs, R&D, Research & Development, SSL Design
Switzerland based R&D lab will lead collaborative research charged with developing SSL modules that combine the reliability and performance of LEDs with tunable organic elements in planar modules for use in luminaires such as architectural recessed troffers. The...
by Commercial LED Lighting | Dec 17, 2013 | Backlighting Signs & Displays, Color Tuning, Facade & Entertainment, Manufacturing Equipment, Materials, OLEDs, Retail & Hospitality, Substrates & Wafers
Ken Marrin reports that quantum dots are poised to unleash high-color-gamut performance in LCDs, especially in TV applications, as materials manufacturers work through reliability, cost, and lifetime issues. The original version of this article can be found...
by Commercial LED Lighting | Sep 17, 2013 | Manufacturing Equipment, OLEDs, Retail & Hospitality
Novaled and Colnatec hope to control film thickness with novel sensing technology on OLED roll-to-roll production lines, while researchers at the University of Utah have tuned a plastic polymer that could yield true white OLEDs. The original version of this article...