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LED business news: Cree, Samsung, MaxLite, Veeco, Aixtron, and Excelitas

In breaking LED business news, LED-based lighting margins are causing some consternation in the market, but sales of LED manufacturing tools are up and lighting companies are optimistically expanding. The original version of this article can be found...

New LED architectures and phosphor technologies lower costs and boost quality (MAGAZINE)

Flip-chip LED architecture promises to pervade the packaged component space, and Julian Carey explains how the sapphire-up design can combine with new phosphor technologies to increase light quality and lower costs. The original version of this article can be found...

LED automotive lighting applications require unique SAE standards (MAGAZINE)

Jianzhong Jiao summarizes the broad landscape of standards for LED lighting specific to automotive applications, which includes unique characteristics in terms of lumen maintenance, reliability, lifetime, and color spectrum. The original version of this article can be...

DOE publishes 2014 LED and OLED manufacturing roadmap

LED cost is dominated by the packaging steps at the back end of the manufacturing process while the entire OLED process is still expensive and inefficient with both technologies requiring significantly more R&D. The original version of this article can be found...