by Commercial LED Lighting | Sep 15, 2015 | Business and Industry, Entertainment, IIF, Indoor Lighting, Industry News, LEDs Applications, Outdoor Lighting, Services & Testing, SSL Design, Standards, Standards and Testing, Test Equipment
IES RP-6-15 covers recommended lighting practices for recreational to professional sports fields and venues with specific guidelines for individual sports. The original version of this article can be found...
by Commercial LED Lighting | Sep 11, 2015 | Drivers Electronics, Features, Indoor Lighting, Industrial & Life Sciences, LEDs & SSL Design, LEDs Applications, Microcontrollers, Networks & Controls, Services & Testing, Smart Lighting IoT, Specialty SSL, SSL Design, Standards, White-Point Tuning
Stan Walerczyk, principal of Lighting Wizards, describes the challenges of implementing human-centric lighting in the US but also sees opportunity to positively impact our wellbeing. The original version of this article can be found...
by Commercial LED Lighting | Sep 11, 2015 | Features, LEDs Applications, Retail & Hospitality, Services & Testing, Services & Testing featured, Smart Lighting IoT, Specialty SSL, SSL Design, Standards, Test Equipment, Test Labs, White-Point Tuning
The Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) has published a Technical Memorandum (TM-30-15) defining a new pair of metrics intended to characterize the color rendition of light sources. The original version of this article can be found...
by Commercial LED Lighting | Jul 28, 2015 | Industry News, LED Design & Manufacturing, LEDs Applications, OLEDs, R&D, Research & Development, Services & Testing, SSL Design
LED-based lighting was responsible for 143 tBTU in US energy reduction in 2014, although the savings could have hit 4896 tBTU had all general-lighting applications been converted to SSL. The original version of this article can be found...
by Commercial LED Lighting | Jul 21, 2015 | Drivers Electronics, Industry News, LED Design & Manufacturing, LEDs Applications, LEDs Sources, Light Engines, Manufacturing Equipment, Microcontrollers, Modular light engines, Networks & Controls, Packaged LEDS, Services & Testing, SSL Design
LED maker Bridgelux will get closer ties with existing supply-chain partners after the planned acquisition by China Electronics Company, while the recently-announced, Xenio-branded, smart-lighting products will get a new corporate home. The original version of this...
by Commercial LED Lighting | Jul 20, 2015 | Driver ICs, Drivers Electronics, Features, LED Design & Manufacturing, LEDs Applications, Microcontrollers, Modular Drivers, Networks & Controls, R&D, Services & Testing, SSL Design, Standards
The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) has published a new LED standard that addresses flicker in solid-state ighting – defining safe levels of flicker by percentage relative to the operating frequency of a light source powered by the AC...