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LEDs Magazine Sapphire Awards reflect smarter SSL trends (MAGAZINE)

Maury Wright and Carrie Meadows report on the 47 solid-state lighting and enabling technology finalists that are under consideration for Sapphire Awards honors in March, in addition to the honor of ‘Illumineer of the Year’ for a recent brilliant...

Power over Ethernet ramps for success in LED lighting (MAGAZINE)

Maury Wright explains why Power over Ethernet (PoE) seems ready to stake a major claim on wired connected lighting even though wireless connectivity is still a hot topic in the lighting space. The original version of this article can be found...

SIL STRIKING POINT: Networked lighting controls are necessary for SSL industry progress

Strategies in Light (SIL) speaker Jason Hanna of Digital Lumens explains the potential of networked lighting controls and urges solid-state lighting (SSL) industry professionals to delve into the technology for advances in lighting. The original version of this...

LED- and SSL-centric products shine in a techno-savvy gift list (MAGAZINE)

Around the world, visions of brightly colored packages and tantalizing treats run through our minds. But in this case, Maury Wright and Carrie Meadows look toward the techies, the trend-spotters, and some folks too hip for the average gift – those whose finer...